Adding Calendar Events on Scripps's Mega-Site

Adding Calendar Events on Scripps's Mega-Site

Seminars, forums, and other events at Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Questions: sioweb@ucsd.edu



Entries display in two places:

  • At the top right corner of the home page and other selected section fronts


All entries are visible to the public and indexed by search engines, so keep that in mind as you prepare your listings.


  1. Log in to the website from any page from the “login” link at the bottom right of the footer.
    1. If you have a UCSD email address, you will login using your Active Directory/Single Signon login.
    2. If you don’t have a UCSD email address, you log in with your email address and initial password “changeme”.

You are logged in when you see an extra gray shortcut bar at the top of the web page.



2. Click on “Add content” and select the “Event” option to get a “Create Events” page.


 Enter the following information:

    1. Event Title: Should be short, but complete, i.e. “Earth Section Seminar: What Do Fault Slip Rates Really Tell Us?” with initial letters capitalized.
    2. Event Description: Provide as much info as you need; this will display on the event detail page when the user clicks through on the event title. Add lines for ticket prices or other information. Since entries are visible to the public, you may wish to specify whether the event is open to the public.

                                               i.     The toolbar above the text field lets you organize the text with styling options such as bold or italics, adding bullet lists, or adding links by highlighting the text you wish to make into a link and clicking on the chain icon.

                                             ii.     Please don’t copy and paste directly from Word – it introduces junk code. There’s a special tool for helping with this – a little clipboard icon with a “W” on it that will pop up a window for you to paste your Word text into that will strip out unneeded coding.

                                            iii.     Please follow the Scripps Style Guide; see link in toolbar

    1. Event Calendar: Check only the most appropriate box for the calendar category the event should display under. Please don’t check ALL of the boxes. This is meant to help users find your event in a logical spot.
    2. Event image: If you have an image, navigate to it and upload it here. It can be a jpg, png or gif and must be no more than 870 pixels wide to display correctly. Use photo editing software such as Photoshop to crop the image – ideally to 870x350 pixels – before uploading.
    3. Location: Put the room number before the building name, such as 4500 Hubbs Hall or 100 Vaughan Hall.
    4. Date and Time:

                                               i.     Click on the date displayed in the “Date” field to get a pop-up calendar to set the day of the event.

                                             ii.     Click on the time to set the time.

                                            iii.     Uncheck “Show End Date” if the event is not multiple days.

                                            iv.     To set up a number of events with the same details – such as seminar series – see “Creating multiple entries for event series” in the notes below.

    1. Downloads: An optional field for uploading a related document, usually something printable like a brochure or detailed schedule.
    2. For more info…: Add the name and email address for any public contact.
    3. Ignore “Menu settings” and below.


Your work is not saved until you click “Publish” to publish the event to the site (or “Save as Draft” if you want to come back and finish working on it later).


To edit a published calendar event:

  • While logged in, navigate to the detail page for the event and click on the “edit” link at the top of the entry.



Creating multiple entries for event series:

  • For example, if you had an Ecology Seminar starting Wednesday, Jan. 8 and running for 10 weeks, you would go into Add Content > Create Events and start creating an event with the title "Ecology Seminar" and a generic description, with the calendar category checked for "Ecology" and the appropriate location and contact information. 
  • For the "Date & Time," you would set the date for Jan. 8, 2014 and click the "Repeat" box, which will open up a new set of fields asking for the repeat frequency (usually Weekly / Every 1 Week); the "repeat on" day, which would be Wednesday; with "stop repeating" set to 10 occurrences. (You can use the "Exclude Dates" option to skip holidays and the like, but you can also delete unneeded dates in the next step.)




  • When you publish this event, the system will create one master event that shows up on 10 dates, starting with Jan. 8. If you go to that entry, you will see a list of all 10 dates with "edit" and "delete" next to each date.


  • You can then open each date for editing individually, such as adding the title and details for an individual talk. When you save those changes, the system will break the link to the master event and create a new event. (Changes to the master event will no longer affect the new event.)
  • Cancelling an event: If you must cancel a seminar or similar event, please do not just delete the event entry; please edit the listing to the title with CANCELLED appended to it.