- What is the URL ??
https://sio.ucsd.edu/secure/people2/ - Who do I contact if my credentials don't work ??
siohelp@sio.ucsd.edu - Who do I contact if I can't find what I need and I am NOT in a hurry ??
siohelp@sio.ucsd.edu - Who do I contact if I can't find what I need and I am in a hurry ??
- What is the difference between the Search options ??
Not much. All 3 search the nickname field which is important. The 'Jump To...' one is most limited and clicking on it will describe what criteria can be used.
More FAQs:
- How do I change the Home Dept of a student?
If a student doesn't have a PPS entry you can 'override' the field by hovering over the field on the top-rigth; once on the right spot you'll see a paper icon appear that you select; then you can type into the field.
I don't recall if it auto-completes but just make sure it's the same spelling as other people with the same Home Department. - How do I delete a record that was entered in error ?
Short Answer: You don't. Send an email to siohelp@sio.ucsd.edu and include as much information as possible on which record is to be removed.
Long Answer: No one likes an explanation longer than it has to be, so move on and just send the emailto be, so move on and just send the email.
- Where does the app. get it's data ?
- What is the PID field ?
- How does the Space Database connect to the People Databas ?
- What is ISIS?
On fatlip (for now, 201505), you can run the following commands:
select * from people Where lname = 'HONGSHAN' ( to acquire the people_id )
select * from people_values where people_id ='8915674' ( to confirm record has values )
DELETE FROM people WHERE people_id ='8915674' ( this should suffice to remove the record )
** DELETE FROM people_values WHERE people_id ='8915674' ( this option was initially recommended by Tomo but Edgar said the removal from the 'People' table would propagate down to the 'People_values' table; I'll confirm that tomorrow. )
• Where are the values for fields: PI/Sponsor, Supervisor (TimeKeeping) and Advisor(s) ??
In table: people_relationships
Discussion Topics
1. Need to create a business process for newly hired faculty and staff (i.e. Ryan Hechinger, Anne Pommier )