PeopleDB User Guide
- What is the URL ?? - Who do I contact if my credentials don't work ?? - Who do I contact if I can't find what I need and I am NOT in a hurry ?? - Who do I contact if I can't find what I need and I am in a hurry ?? - What is the difference between the Search options ??
Not much. All 3 search the nickname field which is important. The 'Jump To...' one is most limited and clicking on it will describe what criteria can be used.
More FAQs:
- How do I change the Home Dept of a student?
If a student doesn't have a PPS entry you can 'override' the field by hovering over the field on the top-rigth; once on the right spot you'll see a paper icon appear that you select; then you can type into the field.
I don't recall if it auto-completes but just make sure it's the same spelling as other people with the same Home Department. - How do I delete a record that was entered in error ?
Short Answer: You don't. Send an email to and include as much information as possible on which record is to be removed.
Long Answer: No one likes an explanation longer than it has to be, so move on and just send the email.
- Where does the app. get it's data ?
- What is the PID field ?
- How does the Space Database connect to the People Databas ?
- What is ISIS?
Step-by-Step User Guide
- Create a new record or update existing
A. First check if person is already in database.
- Select 'New' from top menu in View/Edit page, or from landing page:
- Perform initial search by entering what is known about the person. All 5 fields need to be filled but only 'Last Name' and 'First Name' should be accurate; the other fields don't have to be accurate.
B. Search Results
I. If there is a match then via the 'SIO ID' hyperlink proceed to update data fields in the View/Edit page of the person selected. ( No new record is created )
II. If there is no match then select 'Proceed to Create a New Record' button at bottom right. There are several instructions on this page. - When creating a new record there are 4 fields which are required and are clearly marked in the View/Edit page of any person. Last Name, Fist Name, SIO Role and Primary Email. Once filled these fields will show colored 'green'; otherwise they remain 'red'. The record cannot be 'saved' unless all 4 fields are filled. Furthermore, the 'Save' button will not be available for selection if any of the 4 fields remain unfilled.
(NOTES: Any 'Save' button saves field content in any of the modules . And in Fall 2014 we'll have more required fields. ) - People data is divided into the following Modules: Employment/HR, Relationships, Hiring/Separation, Personal Data, Teaching/Education, Space, Notes, and Personnel History. (NOTE: Personnel History is not a data entry module per se. Rather it is a log of how the record has been modified over time.
- The Employment/HR module contains most of the fields which determine how the person will be represented in other SIO web sites such as Scripps Scholars, the Scripps directory, some mailing lists (i.e. Academic Personnel), and eventually other sites. (NOTE: For in-depth field descriptions see related section below )
- Create a new record or update existing
For Admins Only:
• How to Delete a record ?
On fatlip (for now, 201505), you can run the following commands:
select * from people Where lname = 'HONGSHAN' ( to acquire the people_id )
select * from people_values where people_id ='8915674' ( to confirm record has values )
DELETE FROM people WHERE people_id ='8915674' ( this should suffice to remove the record )
** DELETE FROM people_values WHERE people_id ='8915674' ( this option was initially recommended by Tomo but Edgar said the removal from the 'People' table would propagate down to the 'People_values' table; I'll confirm that tomorrow. )
• Where are the values for fields: PI/Sponsor, Supervisor (TimeKeeping) and Advisor(s) ??
In table: people_relationships
Discussion Topics
1. Need to create a business process for newly hired faculty and staff (i.e. Ryan Hechinger, Anne Pommier )
[ brought up at Web Committee Meeting on June 26 by Jeff D.]
2. Data Stewards.
3. Remove Academic- Emeritus from SIO Role ??
4. Intake process for new students.
5. People changing roles:
academic reclasses/promotions
6. Mailing lists. i.e. AcadList
7. Section votes. Email lists. ( a big pain in Earth section)
8. . -”RTAD”, “RTAD Pending,”Leave of Absence” and “Visa Pending” in SIO Status will be treated as “Active” in the directory. -JIRAD (completed 01/23/14)
Add 'Sabbatical' ... should also be ‘Active’
Add ‘Emeritus’ to override UCSD status as far as ‘Active’ is concerned.
New field: SIO Status Will help determine Active/Inactives in conjunction with Hiring/Separation module and UCSD Status. Field options are:
Appointment Pending
RTAD Pending
PPS Separated
Past Affiliate -added Oct. 2013
Leave of Absence -added Oct. 2013
Visa Pending -added Oct. 2013
(2014 problems: G. Carnevale, Felbeck )
Canned Reports
• To obtain 'active' academics and students who have publications in the past 12 months. Author: Jeff Dillon
• To obtain 'active' people for census report. Author: Suzanne Sprague
• Divisional rosters
• Divisional rosters with Titles
Current Uses of People App.
- Recent publications
- Census report
- Rosters
- Check for missing people and fields
Stewards - Separate by SIO Role
sio_role Academic - Professor (Cristy Whitehead)
sio_role Academic - Researcher (Cristy Whitehead)
sio_role Academic - Visiting (Cristy Whitehead)
sio_role Academic - Project Scientist (Cristy Whitehead)
sio_role Academic - Specialist (Cristy Whitehead)
sio_role Academic - Administrator (Cristy Whitehead)
sio_role Academic - Coordinator (Cristy Whitehead)
sio_role Academic - Research Associate (Cristy Whitehead)
sio_role Academic - Lecturer (Cristy Whitehead)
sio_role Academic - Postdoctoral Scholar (null)
sio_role Academic - Professor of Practice (null)
sio_role Academic - Professor in Residence (null)
sio_role Academic - Emeritus (deprecated Nov.2014)
sio_role Academic - Adjunct Professor (Cristy Whitehead)
sio_role Academic - Teaching Professor (Cristy Whitehead)
sio_role Affiliate - RET (null)
sio_role Affiliate - REU (null)
sio_role Affiliate - STARS (null)
sio_role Affiliate - SURF (null)
sio_role Affiliate - Vendor (null)
sio_role Affiliate - Visiting Graduate (non-salaried) (null)
sio_role Affiliate - Visiting Scholar (null)
sio_role Affiliate - Volunteer (null)
sio_role Affiliate - x99s (null)
sio_role Staff - Career (null)
sio_role Staff - Contract (null)
sio_role Staff - Limited (null)
sio_role Staff - Per Diem (null)
sio_role Staff - Returning Retiree (null)
sio_role Staff - TES (null)
sio_role Student - Undergraduate (null)
sio_role Student - Visiting Graduate (salaried) (null)
sio_role Affiliate - UCSD PhD Student (null)
sio_role SEA GRANT Advisor (null)
sio_role Staff - Casual Restricted (null)
sio_role Student SIO - PhD (Grad Office)
sio_role Student SIO - Masters (Grad Office)
sio_role Student SIO - MAS (Grad Office)
sio_role Affiliate - UCSD Master Student (null)
Cristy Whitehead is the responsible steward to create the initial record in People DB and subsequently notifies Division/Department HR for them to enter other data , ie. space information, and for them to maintain their respective academics' information moving forward
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Field Descriptions: has moved here (Feb. 2015) -> Heuristics