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  • How do I change the Home Dept of a student?  
    If a student doesn't have a PPS entry you can 'override' the field by hovering over the field on the top-rigth; once on the right spot you'll see a paper icon appear that you select; then you can type into the field.   I don't recall if it auto-completes but just make sure it's the same spelling as other people with the same Home Department.
  • How do I delete a record that was entered in error ?
    Short Answer:  You don't.  Send an email to and include as much information as possible on which record is to be removed.   
    Long Answer:   No one likes an explanation longer than it has to be, so move on and just send the email.
  • Where does the app. get it's data ?
          Besides PPS we also pull data from Blink, which pulls from ACT Directory Services. There is also TimeKeeping, and our own local Space DB, and of course anyone authorized to enter 'local' data here at SIO.
  • What is the PID field ? 
          PID is a student ID which is available of anyone in PPS, who has ever been matriculated as a student at UCSD.   Don't know if it is also populated if individual attended another UC campus.
  • How does the Space Database connect to the People Databas ?
          The local Space Database feeds our people DB for both 'Assigned' and 'Occupied' spaces.  However, the People DB only feeds 'Occupied' space data back to the Space DB.   'Assigned' space data needs to be entered into the Space DB; this data is not updated as often.
  • What is ISIS? 
          ISIS is the system through which UCSD student data can be viewed.   In near future we would like to pull undergraduate student data from here.     Similarly,  OGS is the office of graduate students and are the data stewards of graduate student data.  
          In future we would also wish to pull data from them.   Don't know if graduate data is also available via ISIS.



 On fatlip (for now, 201505),  you can run the following commands:  

select from people Where lname = 'HONGSHAN'   ( to acquire the people_id )

select * from people_values where people_id ='8915674'  ( to confirm record has values )

DELETE FROM people WHERE people_id ='8915674'   ( this should suffice to remove the record )

** DELETE FROM people_values WHERE people_id ='8915674'  ( this option was initially recommended by Tomo but Edgar said the removal from the 'People' table would propagate down to the 'People_values' table;  I'll confirm that tomorrow. )



Discussion Topics

1. Need to create a business process for newly hired faculty and staff  (i.e.  Ryan Hechinger, Anne Pommier )
