SIO Data Stewards & UCSD Data Stewards

SIO Data Stewards & UCSD Data Stewards

SIO Data Stewards

Last Update:  June 19, 2015


DIvision / GroupStewardEmailTraining StatusPrimary Data responsibily
IOD/MBRD/CMBBMarci Clarkemclarke@ucsd.edu  
IOD/MBRD/CMBBMichelle Jaredmjared@ucsd.edu  
IOD/MBRD/CMBBErika Saldanaesaldana@ucsd.edu  
CASPODiane Boomerdboomer@ucsd.edu  
CASPOBecky Platerobplatero@ucsd.edu  
CASPOKharyn Loteyrokloteyro@ucsd.edu  
Grad OfficeLeslie Costilcosti@ucsd.edu  
Grad OfficeCo, Christinecmco@ucsd.edu  
Grad OfficeMaureen McCormacm1mccormack@ucsd.edu  
Grad OfficeGilbert Bretadogbretado@ucsd.edu  
Grad OfficeDenise Darlingddarling@mail.ucsd.edu  
Grad OfficeJane Weinzierljweinzierl@ucsd.edu MBC MAS program
Grad OfficeJosh Reevesjdreeves@ucsd.edu Academic - Teaching Professors
Grad OfficeSidney Eads hold on training 
IGPPMaria Rivasmrivas@ucsd.edu  
IGPPDelia Constantdcconstant@ucsd.edu Staff employees only
IGPP/GRDMegan Smithmas006@ucsd.edu  
IGPP/GRDIris McCrary-Tinsleyimccrary@ucsd.edu  
GRDMonica Baileymrbailey@ucsd.edu  
MPLMasooda Sajadymsajady@ucsd.edu on leave Spring 2014
MPLDawn Hwangd8hwang@ucsd.edu  
DODaisy Dodtd001@ucsd.edu D.O. Staff (either Home or Bus.Off.) incl. MSDS, SIO Development
DOAmber Fehlingarfehling@ucsd.edu  
DO/APCristi Whiteheadcwhitehead@ucsd.edu Academics - upon arrival + home dept = SIO Dept (teaching actions)
Sea GrantHerminia Villalpandohvillalpando@ucsd.edu  
Sea GrantCarol Bailey-Sumber.cbsumber@ucsd.edu  
Sea GrantRose Madsonrmadson@ucsd.edu  
AQ-MUSDebbie Melechinskydmelechinsky@ucsd.edu  
SOMTSJamile Johnsonjlj003@ucsd.edu SOMTS Staff - all actions SOMTS = home dept
SOMTS-MSOCrystal Robertscrystal@ucsd.eduawaiting training 
DOTerry Raitttraitt@ucsd.edu  
DO/APLil Dockeryldockery@ucsd.edu Academics (SIO Dept = home dept)
DO/APBrian Palenickbpalenik@ucsd.edu  
DOPat Jordanpjordan@sio.ucsd.edu User Guide
AQ-MUSKathy Kiaunis awaiting training 



Email list as of  July22, 2015:

 Marci ClarkeMichelle Jaredesaldana@ucsd.edu;dboomer@ucsd.edu; bplatero@ucsd.edu; lcosti@ucsd.edu; cmco@ucsd.edu; m1mccormack@ucsd.edu;gbretado@ucsd.edu;ddarling@mail.ucsd.edu; jweinzierl@ucsd.edu; jdreeves@ucsd.edu; mrivas@ucsd.eduI; dcconstant@ucsd.edu; mas006@ucsd.eduI; imccrary@ucsd.edu; mrbailey@ucsd.edu; dtd001@ucsd.edu; arfehling@ucsd.educwhitehead@ucsd.edu;hvillalpando@ucsd.educbsumber@ucsd.edu;rmadson@ucsd.edudmelechinsky@ucsd.edu;jlj003@ucsd.edu;crystal@ucsd.edu;traitt@ucsd.edu;ldockery@ucsd.edubpalenik@ucsd.edu;pjordan@sio.ucsd.edu


UCSD Data Stewards

UCSD has identified a primary "Office of Record" for each set of data stored or maintained in its central systems. Each of these offices have designated one or more Data Steward(s) who are responsible for determining which data needs to be secured and who may have access to that data, as well as the procedure to be followed to request that access. The following two lists (one by Data Steward name, the other by data source) provide general information regarding who the Data Stewards are and indicates the data for which they have responsibility. It is important to note that ACT Security Administration does not set data security/access policy. Policy is set or interpreted by the Data Stewards and implemented by ACT Security Administration. All questions regarding security policy should be directed to the individual Data Stewards listed below.
