A. People DB
A. People DB
( see below: III. Field Definitions )
- Business Rules:
1 . Business offices to have a permanent assignment of the students who are working with PIs in their division. Offices, keys etc for the students are handled in the business office and unless there is a major change (e.g. new advisor in different business office) this would stay fixed throughout the student's tenure. The people database record should NOT be modified to reflect quarterly changes in the source of student funding.
Graduate students: 1) the department enters information for all incoming students, 2) these records are handed over to the business office early in the first year. ( J. Gee addressing concern brought by D. Boomer of CASPO. April 2015 )
Automated reports should provide business offices with information to determine grad students' advisors. Will generate this report.
B. Scripps Directory
1. "Dept/Division" is a calculated value where
people id
title = working title (via Blink)
phone (if empty, will not display)
mail_code (if empty, will not display)
D. Scripps Profiles
E. Faculty List
*** Other heuristics on MegaSite: PHP modules... List of Modules/Files That Include weird Logic (via Edgar/Tomo)/wiki/spaces/SIOMEGA/pages/54073070
- Current List for PO Curricular Groups:
mysql> select * from people_override where active = 'Y';
| people_id | action | field | value1 |
value2 | active | override_id |
| 4476042 | INSERT | home_dept | DEVELOPMENT |
NULL | Y | 53 |
| 6356661 | INSERT | pps_status | volunteer |
NULL | Y | 29 |
| 8315078 | INSERT | home_dept | V/C DEV AND UNIV REL |
NULL | Y | 32 |
| 7506211 | INSERT | home_dept | CMBB |
NULL | Y | 40 |
| 7506211 | INSERT | pps_role | Vis Grad |
NULL | Y | 41 |
| 7506211 | INSERT | pps_status | Active |
NULL | Y | 42 |
| 2277551 | UPDATE | pps_status | Separated |
Active | Y | 57 |
| 2277551 | INSERT | pps_role | Volunteer |
NULL | Y | 58 |
| 1638046 | DELETE | email | rlfisher@ucsd.edu |
NULL | Y | 64 |
| 9425108 | INSERT | title | Visiting Scholar |
NULL | Y | 161 |
| 9425108 | UPDATE | pps_status | Separated |
Active | Y | 160 |
| 6607215 | UPDATE | pps_status | Separated |
Active | Y | 315 |
| 2936339 | INSERT | dept | GRD |
NULL | Y | 155 |
| 4539812 | INSERT | dept | GRD |
NULL | Y | 168 |
| 1166192 | INSERT | title | Volunteer |
NULL | Y | 169 |
| 4736840 | INSERT | dept | scripps dept |
NULL | Y | 200 |
| 6405599 | INSERT | nickname | J. Douglas |
NULL | Y | 236 |
| 6134507 | UPDATE | pps_status | Separated |
Active | Y | 365 |
| 2085966 | UPDATE | pps_role | Staff |
Academic | Y | 364 |
| 7568822 | INSERT | pps_status | Active |
NULL | Y | 262 |
| 7568822 | INSERT | title | Senior Director of Development |
NULL | Y | 260 |
| 7568822 | INSERT | home_dept | Development |
NULL | Y | 264 |
| 5261507 | INSERT | title | Volunteer |
NULL | Y | 298 |
| 5261507 | UPDATE | pps_status | Separated |
Active | Y | 296 |
| 5261507 | INSERT | pps_role | Volunteer |
NULL | Y | 301 |
| 5985861 | UPDATE | pps_status | Separated |
Active | Y | 309 |
| 5985861 | INSERT | pps_role | Academic |
NULL | Y | 311 |
| 5985861 | INSERT | acad_role | Visiting Scholar |
NULL | Y | 312 |
| 2085966 | UPDATE | acad_role | Academic Coordinator |
Director | Y | 363 |
| 9745504 | INSERT | section | BIO |
NULL | Y | 350 |
| 2468836 | INSERT | section | EARTH |
NULL | Y | 351 |
| 3535194 | INSERT | section | OCNS&ATMOS |
NULL | Y | 353 |
III. Field Definitions:
Special: sio_status
Deceased |
Retired |
Appointment Pending |
RTAD Pending |
Sabbatical |
PPS Separated |
Past Affiliate |
Leave of Absence |
Visa Pending |
Table plus | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IV. Tool Tips: https://sio-stash.ucsd.edu/projects/SSA/repos/sio-people-database/browse/config.xml
A. Candidates
1. heuristic for the large font 'name+dept+sio role' used in the View/Edit page, top left: <last name> <nickname (if exists) | first name> < middle initial> <home department> < so_role>
( as for Davidson somebody needs to save a new business_office for him. Sent email to Monica and Diane. -lxa Monica confirmed change on 2/25/15. )
2. Proper Capitalization of People's names. ( brought up by James )
B. Approved
C. In Production
VI. Attachments:
Current List for PO Curricular Groups:
***** other options:
Appointment Pending
Other Pending Issues:
VIII. Meeting Minutes
A. February 25, 2015 Web committee
- Needs:
- Reporting - Jeff Gee
- Stored Procedures - Web programmers
from I. Established:
I. C. Scripps Scholars
CONTACT (sidebar) heuristics missing Business Office check. (Edgar)
from II. Pending:
1. Members by Curricular Group. Requested by PO & IGPP - Jeff Gee says each division will provide a static list to web group to be used on Mega Site. He will send email to department heads.
2. Deceased people: As soon as flag is set in sio_status, remove from directory, add link to obituary notice in Profile and update title to reflect DOB - DOD, and Scripps Scholars site will remain up in perpetuity if it was pre-existing. Landing page will not display deceased person in list of Scripps Scholars sites.
(Luis to notify HR data stewards of new Decease flag.)
3. It is confirmed we follow official PPS name. (Luis to notify HR data stewards of new protocol)
Added to Stored Procedures.
IV. Tool Tips: https://sio-stash.ucsd.edu/projects/SSA/repos/sio-people-database/browse/config.xml
V. Stored Procedures:
A. Candidates
1. heuristic for the large font 'name+dept+sio role' used in the View/Edit page, top left: <last name> <nickname (if exists) | first name> < middle initial> <home department> < so_role>
( as for Davidson somebody needs to save a new business_office for him. Sent email to Monica and Diane. -lxa Monica confirmed change on 2/25/15. )
2. Proper Capitalization of People's names. ( brought up by James )
3. 'Sabbatical' and 'Appointment Pending' values in sio_status... make the record ‘Active’ (via Tomo )
4. SIO End/Departure Dates set Flag to remove Person from directory. ( Sea Grant issue, discussed with Tomo already )
5. Delete erroneous records.
B. Approved
C. In Production
VI. Attachments:
Curricular Groups Member display on SIO Mega (specific to Physical Oceanographers):
Current List for PO Curricular Groups:
***reference attachment 1A. for logic
Proposed People DB instructions to data stewards If Emeritus / Mentor (i.e. interacts with students)
Display Title: Emeritus
SIO Status - one of the following:
***** other options:
Appointment Pending
Other Pending Issues:
VIII. Meeting Minutes ( action items in ()s )
A. February 25, 2015 Web committee
- Needs:
- Reporting - Jeff Gee
- Stored Procedures - Web programmers
- Freeman Gilbert should be taken care of after new rules are implemented.
from I. Established:
I. C. Scripps Scholars
CONTACT (sidebar) heuristics missing Business Office check. (Luis to JIRA for Edgar)
from II. Pending:
1. Members by Curricular Group. Requested by PO & IGPP - (Jeff Gee says each division will provide a static list to web group to be used on Mega Site. He will send email to department heads. )
2. Deceased people: As soon as flag is set in sio_status, remove from directory, add link to obituary notice in Profile and update title to reflect DOB - DOD, and Scripps Scholars site will remain up in perpetuity if it was pre-existing. Landing page will not display deceased person in list of Scripps Scholars sites. (Luis to Store Procedures )
(Luis to notify HR data stewards of new Decease flag.)
3. It is confirmed we follow official PPS name. (Luis to notify HR data stewards of new protocol)
Added to Stored Procedures.
4,6,7. The SIO Separation, SIO Departure fields and Past Affiliate values need to be checked to determine 'active' vs 'inactive' at SIO. PostDocs and Grads' Scripps Scholars sites should remain accessible for 1 year after person is considered 'inactive'. If value: Past-affiliate is set in sio_status AND (Separated Date OR Departure Date) is in past, then person's profile and directory listing are immediately unpublished. ( Luis to JIRA )
8. Student List: Once entered you, the student stays on in perpetuity. Asked for by faculty.
9. For Lab Sites and Project Sites that have not been updated in past year an automated email goes out to Scripps Web group. (Luis to JIRA )