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A. People DB



6.  If an academic 'leaves SIO' we leave the SS sites 'active'  for 6 months;   use End/Departure Dates ??    post-docs/grads/emeritus/ (look at Display list ) ??
  • past affiliate with “separation date” and “end date” (do we need “enrolled” and “graduated?”) = not active, does not show up in directory, remove “profile” (form SIO Mega),  keep SS site for 6mos (need to look into SOLR config so that SERPS do not display SS content). Can sioweb receive automated email notification regarding this stats so that we can “manually” remove profile?     i.e. if postdoc leaves, record should remain active for 6mos in case they’re looking for a job, they’ll need web presence i.e. SS site


7.  Directory 'active' = Profile 'active'   (are made manually)  Edgar has directory 'active' heuristic.  If a profile is 'innactive' then the profile is not published.  


8. Student List:  Once entered you, the student stays on in perpetuity.

9. What happens to Lab Sites when PI 'leaves' ??   (Jerry guesses the treatment is the same as their profile page ??)


  1. heuristic for the large font 'name+dept+sio role'  used in the View/Edit page, top left:   <last name> <nickname (if exists) | first name> < middle initial> <home department> < so_role>

( as for Davidson somebody needs to save a new business_office for him.




 Sent email to Monica and Diane. -lxa   Monica confirmed change on 2/25/15. )

2. Proper Capitalization of People's names.  ( brought up by James )


B.  Approved

C.  In Production


VI. Attachments:


 2.  Deceased people:    As soon as flag is set in sio_status, remove from directory,  add link to obituary notice in Profile and update title to reflect DOB - DOD, and Scripps Scholars site will remain up in perpetuity if it was pre-existing.  Landing page will not display deceased person in list of sitesScripps Scholars:   of Scripps Scholars sites.   

(Luis to notify HR data stewards of new Decease flag.)

3. It is confirmed we follow official PPS name.    (Luis to notify HR data stewards of new protocol)

Added to Stored Procedures.

4,6,7.  The SIO Separation, SIO Departure fields and Past Affiliate values need to be checked to determine  'active' vs 'inactive' at SIO.  PostDocs and Grads' Scripps Scholars sites should remain accessible for 1 year after person is considered 'inactive'.   If value: Past-affiliate is set in sio_status AND (Separated Date OR  Departure Date) is in past, then person's profile and directory listing are immediately unpublished.